O evento contou com a participação de Embaixadores, autoridades brasileiras e representantes do corpo diplomático em Brasília

Por Ana Machado
Na noite desta quinta (14) a República da União de Myanmar reuniu, no clube do exército, Embaixadores e representantes do corpo diplomático para a comemoração do 71º Aniversário de Independência do país asiático.

Na ocasião o Embaixador, Myo Tint, iniciou seu discurso prestando condolências à tragédia ocorrida em Brumadinho (MG). A relação bilateral Brasil-Myanmar foi um dos temas relevantes no discurso do Embaixador Myo Tint, que afirmou que a relação diplomática entre Brasil e Myanmar é baseada na cordialidade e entendimento mútuo.
O Embaixador Reinaldo Salgado, Secretário de Negociações Bilaterais para Ásia, Oceania e Rússia, também esteve presente na cerimônia e destacou o crescimento das relações bilaterais entre os dois países, principalmente através da abertura das Embaixadas em 1996, no Brasil e em 2010 em Myanmar. De acordo com Reinaldo Salgado, somos o único país da América Latina a ter Embaixada em Myanmar.

Brasil e Myanmar estabeleceram relações em 1982. Desde então o país asiático vem conquistando investimentos brasileiros em diversos setores como infraestrutura, transporte, hidrelétricas, exploração de hidrocarbonetos e mineração. Em 2013, assinaram o Acordo de Cooperação Técnica, que permite parcerias bilaterais nas áreas da agricultura, segurança alimentar, transporte aéreo, energias renováveis, finanças e esportes.
Fonte: Internet/Reprodução
On Thursday evening (14), the Republic of the Union of Myanmar brought togehter with the ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic corps at the army club for the celebration of the country's 71st anniversary of independence.
On that occasion the Ambassador, Myo Tint, began his speech by expressing condolences to the tragedy that occurred in Brumadinho (MG). The bilateral relationship Brazil-Myanmar was one of the relevant topics in the Ambassador Myo Tint's speech, who stated that the diplomatic relationship between Brazil and Myanmar is based on cordiality and mutual understanding.
Ambassador Reinaldo Salgado, Secretary for Bilateral Negotiations for Asia, Oceania and Russia, also attended the ceremony and highlighted the growth of bilateral relations between the two countries, mainly after the opening of the Embassies in 1996 in Brazil and in 2010 in Myanmar. According to Reinaldo Salgado, we are the only country in Latin America to have an embassy in Myanmar.
Brazil and Myanmar established relations in 1982. Since then the Asian country has been conquering Brazilian investments in several sectors such as infrastructure, transportation, hydroelectric, hydrocarbon exploration and mining. In 2013, they signed the Technical Cooperation Agreement, which allows bilateral partnerships in the areas of agriculture, food safety, air transport, renewable energy, finance and sports.
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The Republic of Myanmar, a South Asian country and a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), had its independence in 1948 under the official name of "Union of Burma". In 1989, the military regime changed the name to "Union of Myanmar". Already in 2009, through the Constitution, the country officially changed the name to "Republic of the Union of Myanmar". This renaming has been controversial for some Burmese groups that are opposed to the military regime.
About 50% of the country is occupied by tropical forests that contain several species of fauna and flora, the fertility of its soils allows the country to own oil fields and ore.
The most prominent figure in Myanmar's history is Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, general secretary of the National League for Democracy and daughter of the national hero of independence of Burma, Aung San. Suu Kyi won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize for defending democracy in the country.
During a general election in 1990, a National League for Democracy (NLD) party led by Aung San Suu Kyi won 59% of the vote in the country, winning about 81% of parliamentary seats, which would make Suu Kyi the prime minister from the country. However, shortly before the elections she was arrested and held in domiciliation. Her release came in 2010 under heavy international pressure. Suu Kyi is a symbol of motivation for the struggle to defend democracy.
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